How to convert small month name into complete month name in using c#

Today I checked the code of my team mate who was picking month name from database but there was a problem and to rectify it he was using multiple IF Statements. The problem of month name was with its data type which was string & also it was small month name which means instead of January it was Jan & instead of February it was Feb.
The code he was using to convert small month name into complete month name was something like that


For each month he was using IF Statement & then I tried to optimize the code. Following logic I used to convert the nasty IF statements into optimized code.

using System.Globalization;
string monthName = obj[0].month_come_from_database;
string completeMonthName = Convert.ToDateTime(monthName + " 01, 1900").ToString("MMMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
That’s it. It will always provide complete month name. Hopefully it will work for you. Happy Coding.